💰 How often do you invoice?

How often do you create invoices? Daily ... weekly ... monthly 😬

The sooner we send an invoice, the sooner we get paid. The earlier the invoice date the sooner our payment terms start ticking away. With many larger customers demanding 60 days, 90 days or even more credit the sooner we can raise our invoice the better.

On the downside, invoicing can be a laborious process, so maybe we don't have time to do this every day.

Cashflow and liquidity are two of the most critical factors to the survival of a business, especially if that business is growing or has ambition to grow. We would say invoice daily as a minimum, ideally more often. Great!, you might say, but we don't have time. We're here to help with that. In TeamPoint you can raise invoices for all completed jobs and send them to your customers with just 4 mouse clicks.

That could be tens or even hundreds of invoices dealt with in a few seconds. This means there's no reason why you can't invoice every day or even several times per day to ensure that your revenue flows and you have the funds your business needs.

If you trust your operatives to take the right photos and enter the correct job completion notes every time, even this stage can be skipped and your invoices can flow instantly and automatically on job completion. Each job being invoiced within seconds of the job being complete. You're effectively running your invoice process every minute - without having to do anything.

For repeating planned work you can also harness the power of our service contracts feature and let TeamPoint invoice your service contracts as and when they are due.

Let TeamPoint take the hard work out of invoicing, ensure you get paid on time and all the time and give your business a stable platform to grow.

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