Do you know what your customers think of the work your employees are doing?
You've built a great business. You've grown your customer base by providing excellent service. But now your business is bigger, you're much further away from the action and your culture of excellent customer service can slowly start to dissolve. You can't expect your employees to care about your business as much as you do. You can't expect your employees to have the same motivations and drives as you. Sometimes they will do the wrong thing, often without even realising. Even your most conscientious, hard working employees do things wrong sometimes - we all have an off day from time to time.
So asking for customer feedback as often as possible is really important.
Collecting feedback can help us manage our team of workers, it can be a great tool for measuring and altering bad behavior. It's even better as a tool to reinforce good behavior. Positive reviews give a massive motivation boost - who doesn't want to hear that they've done a good job or that they are appreciated and valued.
We need to know if some of our operatives consistently get good reviews and if some always get bad ones. We need to know if there are specific jobs that we always do badly or always do well.
Collecting feedback can help us manage our customer accounts too. If we've screwed up, the quicker we know about it the better. Contacting our customer quickly and taking every measure to put right whatever went wrong can turn our biggest critics into our biggest fans and restore and improve our reputation. Reviews are also the best social proof. Want more customers - show them people like them with businesses like theirs who have said lovely things about you. Good customer reviews are worth their weight in gold.
With TeamPoint we have a customer review section at the end of every job. As your customer is signing the worksheet on your engineer's phone or tablet they are also asked to provide a star rating and a comment on the service. This means you're getting feedback on every single job that every single one of your workers is on, every single day. That's a lot of reviews and a lot of very valuable information about your customers and what they think of you.
Gathering all this information is one thing, but not much use unless we put it to work to improve our business. TeamPoint shows you breakdowns of all your star ratings, by date, by job type, by operative and by customer so you can see who's doing well and who might need a bit of help.
You can also publish this information using our 'TeamPoint Verified Reviews' feature. A nice little badge with stars and your customers comments which you can publish on your website or social media.
Let TeamPoint help you to gather and share reviews of your work.