Automated outbound email and sms

Demonstrates how automatic emails and sms messages are generated in TeamPoint, when they are triggered and who they are sent to

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In this video we're going to look at outbound email and SMS notifications that are automatically generated by Teampoint. These notifications can be sent out, we can turn them all on and off, we can choose which ones go out. They're sent when various different events happen within the system, those events relating to activity on a job or a purchase order or something like that. There are lots of different ways that Teampoint can integrate with your email and with your customers email, the automated outbound email is just one of those ways. That's what we're going to look at today, we can look at the other email features in another video.

The easiest way to understand which emails get sent out and to turn them on and off is to go and look in the settings where we control all of this. If I select settings from my main menu down here, come over to the right hand side and choose email and SMS settings, this now gives us a list of all of the automatic emails that can be generated by the system. We can turn them on and off by clicking in boxes, so if it's ticked that will activate that notification and if it's unticked the notification will not happen. All these notifications we can choose to send by email by SMS or both email an SMS if we really want to. It seems like we probably wouldn't want to do that, more likely to be one or the other, but we could, we could send them both if we really wanted to. The other option is to just completely turn them off. This is how it works, it's fairly simple, we choose which notifications we want to send, we choose how we want to send them and then we save our settings.

Let's now have a look at these notifications, when they get sent and who they get sent to. We have two different kinds, we have internal notifications, these will be sent to our employees, possibly to our main company help desk email address and we have external notifications which can be sent to customers, contractors and suppliers. Let's have a look at what each one of these is and just quickly talk through when it gets generated and who it gets sent to.

First one is send job assigned internal notification and if we hover over the little info icon we can see a description what that actually means. This says send a notification to the operative when a job is assigned to them, so when we book one of our techs onto a job it's gonna send them an email.

Next one send job completed notification, so when one of our technicians completes a job, if this is turned on, it will send an email or text message to our main company email address, that's maybe our help desk email address, so that everybody in the office is aware that the job has been completed.

Next is send Job paused notification. This one will send the notification to the account manager when a job hits a pause status. If we have an account manager who's responsible for looking after a customer account and all of their jobs then when a job for that customer gets moved into a paused status . Maybe that's waiting on parts, maybe that's waiting for a purchase order, maybe that's waiting for a payment from pro-forma invoice. When one of these jobs gets paused then we can notify the account manager, so that he's fully aware of the activity around the jobs for the customers that he looks after.

The next one, send job scheduled notification. This one's very similar to the assigned notification, we can we can send a notification to a tech when he's assigned to a job.We can also send a notification to the technician when that job is dispatched, so that means it's been scheduled and it's been issued out to be performed.

Send new action notification. In Teampoint there's a system of actions and notes, we can put actions on anything. We could put an action on a prospect for somebody to chase them up or we could put an action on a job to say we need to order some parts. When we put an action on to something we can assign that action to a person and put a date and time on it. If we have this setting turned on when a an action gets assigned to a person it would send them an email, so that they're aware that actions been given to them.

Send purchase order needs authorisation notification, this sends a notification to the line manager for an unauthorised purchase order. In our purchasing module all of our users have a purchasing limit. A buyer might have a limit of £10,000, so if they enter a purchase order for £15,000 that purchase order will sit in the system as unauthorised and would need somebody with more seniority to sign that purchase order off. If we have this setting ticked then that would send the line manager an email to say there's a purchase order that needs authorising.

They're all of our internal notifications, let's look at our external notifications. These ones are going to go outside of our company, to customers suppliers, contractors whoever.

Send job booked notification, send a notification to the customer when a job is entered. When we put a new job on the system it will ping an email out to the customer saying - thank you for your business, your job has been registered under No. 1234 and our scheduling team will be in touch to advise a date for attendance.

Send job complete notification, send a notification to the customer or the main contractor if we're doing this job for a contractor when a job is completed. That one's fairly self explanatory.

Send job overdue notification, send a notification to the customer to notify them of an overdue job. This is where we find we've not managed to get to a job in time maybe we had an attendance window for the job and we've not managed to schedule anybody in. It sends an apologetic email out to our customer to say that we're gonna get it scheduled in as soon as possible.

Send job scheduled notification, we can send a notification to our customer when a job gets scheduled.

Send a job under review notification, if we have a confirmed attendance time with a customer that we have to change, eg, if we booked a job for attendance at 9:00 on Wednesday morning and for whatever reason we need to change that when we go in and change that in the system it will send an additional notification out to the customer to say that their scheduled date has changed.

Send project request accepted notification, this one the project request accepted and the project request declined. In our customer portal the customer can request a quote or a job. They can ask you to quote for some work or they can ask you to just go and do some work for them. These two notifications will send an email to the customer when their requests are either accepted or declined. They might ask you to quote on some work that you don't wanna quote for, in which case you would decline the request. Once we've created a quote, that would accept the request. These will send emails out to your customer to notify them that those things have happened.

Send purchase order cancelled notification, this will automatically send an email to your supplier if you cancel a purchase order. Maybe you've raised a purchase order, you want to buy some parts and it turns out there's a long lead time on those parts. You're waiting several weeks for them, maybe you find a different supplier, and we wanna cancel the original purchase order. When we do that within the system it will send an automated email out to the supplier to say that we no longer want to purchase those goods from them.

The final external one is send subcontractor job cancelled notification. This one will send an email out to our subcontractor if we cancel a job. If our job has been booked out to one of our suppliers, a subcontractor, they're gonna do the work for us, if we cancel the job then it will send a notification out to them just to make them aware and make sure that they don't attend the job.

These are all of our automatic emails and SMS notifications. They can all be generated automatically by the system when certain events happen. We can turn them off, we can turn them on. We can choose whether we want to receive them by email or by SMS. That's how the automated email system works

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