How to complete a job in the TEamPoint mobile app
In this video we're going to look at how to complete a job in the Teampoint mobile app.
Once a job has been scheduled to us it will appear in our mobile app so that we can work through the job details and record the completion of the job. This is the homepage of the mobile app, there are a few things we can do in here, but we'll go through to jobs and quotes. Here's our jobs and quotes, we have a list of the jobs which have been allocated to us for today. So, Wednesday we have job 5 0 7 3 5, this is the only job we have to do today. We'll just click into that job and complete it. We click on the job, the first thing we see are the job details. We can see the job type, the job number, the customer name, any protocol that's been set up against this customer - maybe we have to sign into a portal, maybe we need to report to the duty manager. All of these protocols get pulled into the jobs for customers. Then the work requested, so we're saying we have a door which has a faulty handle and that needs to be fixed.
To start the job we click start job. The first thing we're prompted with is the risk assessment. Now risk assessments are very flexible in Teampoint, we can set up jobs to have a risk assessment, to not have a risk assessment, we can have different types for different jobs, we can change the questions that we prompted for. This job does have a risk assessment, so let's go through and complete that first. Description of works will say repair door. Operatives at risk - no. These three have been prefilled for me so I don't need to complete thembut I can look through. General public at risk - no. Client personnel at risk - no. Others at risk - no. Identify hazards and effects we'll say none. Risks before - one, control measures - none required. Risk after control measures - low again. Do we have all of our PPE equipment available - yes we do. Do we need a COSHH assessment - no we don't. Any additional notes - we don't need to put those in. We now sign, we're signing our risk assessment here to say that as an engineer I have completed a risk assessment before the job.
The system now asks us to record a before photo, we want to take a photograph of the working area before we do anything. I'm going to click here and I'll just add a before photo onto the job. I'm running this on a computer at the moment so it's just showing me the folders on my computer, if I were running on a phone or tablet it would prompt for the camera or the gallery. I can either take photo with the camera or I can choose something from my gallery. The next section is service forms. We can set up service forms to give us checklist for specific activities. Maybe we have a procedure for servicing a boiler or procedure for pat testing a piece of electrical equipment. Whatever it may be we can set service forms up. We're not going to look at those just now, cause they're a little bit more complex. It's still simple but we're keeping it down to the bare minimum in this example. So we're not gonna worry about service forms.
The next thing we need to put in is a description of the work completed, so let's say door repaired, working area left clean and tidy. We could add products onto the job, we're not going to do that in this example either, but it's an option for us if we want to. Next thing we need are after photos, so we're going to click here and we'll add a photo of the work now that it's been completed. I'm just adding one example here, we can add as many photos as we want, we can add videos if we want to.
Now the app is prompting for additional charges, we can set up additional charges for things like congestion charge, parking, consumables, a whole range of things, but we're not gonna cover that in this video. So we'll have no additional charges for this job. The final thing we're setting is our job status. Again we're gonna keep things simple here, this job is going to be complete , however there are circumstances where we can't finish a job so we might may want to set a different status. It might be that we need to order some parts, it might be we need a return visit, we might need an additional pair of hands to help us, but for this one we're just gonna say job complete. Further works required - none Site notes - site notes are really useful. We can record information about the site and if we come back to the siteor if another engineer comes back to the site they're showing those notes so that we get a nice little history of what's happened on the site. These notes can help us with parking and a range of other things, so let's put it for the site notes - parking available at rear of building. Next time we come or if it's somebody else, they'll know where to park. Private notes - we can add notes to the job which the customer cannot see which we call private notes just for the office. It's a facility which is here but again we'll leave those blank for now.
Customer authorisation, now we've completed all the details of our job, we click customer authorisation and then we take this and show it to our customer so that they can sign off. Job started, job finished, work requested, work completed , further works required, a double check on the contact details for our customer. Customer name - so let's put Dave Smith. Job title - manager. We ask the customer to rate our service, so the customer's gonna say very good, great work as always. The customer gives us a rating and a comment, if they want to they don't have to and then a customer signature. We put the customer signature in here and we submit the job.
All of the job details have now been uploaded to the office, the photographs, the risk assessment, the customer signature, the engineer signature. Our job is now complete and we can move on to our next job.
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