This video explains how to generate invoices from your completed jobs.
In this video we're going to look at how to raise invoices within Teampoint. When we talk about raising invoices we're basically taking a job which has been completed by one of our operatives in the field, taking that job and generating an invoice from it, which we can then send to our customer.
There are several different ways of running our invoicing process within TeamPoint. The quickest and most efficient way would be to have everything run automatically and we can set TeamPoint up this way if that's what we want to do. With with that kind of process, as soon as the job is completed in the field by our engineer, those details will come back into TeamPoint, Teampoint would automatically in the background without any human intervention raise the invoice and send it straight out to a customer. That's great from a cash flow point of view because your invoices are raised the second a job is complete. It's great for low labour overhead in your office because nobody needs to do anything everything just happens automatically. However most customers don't do their invoicing that way. If you are going to invoice completely automatically you need to be 100% confident that your operative has taken the correct before and after photos, he's captured the custom signature correctly, he's written the right notes on the job and the job's been priced correctly in the first place. You have to have a lot of confidence that everything is perfect in order for these things to flow automatically. Great if you can do that, most customers don't do that.
Most customers have an invoicing process which goes along the lines of, the job gets completed by the engineer, it comes back into the office, it's then checked. You'll do a visual check in the office to make sure the photos are correct, the pricing is correct and all the details on the job are fine. The job then gets moved to ready to invoice, which is then picked up by the finance team to generate invoices.
That's what we're going to look at doing today. Other invoicing options we will cover in other videos. This is all run through the finance section on the homepage. Our homepage is configurable, so we may not have the finance section set up our homepage. If that's the case, if we don't see it anywhere we can simply click up here to configure our homepage. We find the finance option, we make sure it's ticked and then we click save. That will add the finance section onto our homepage, we have it already.
The finance section has three areas, we have our complete not checked jobs, we have jobs waiting final checks, and we have jobs which are ready to invoice. We're going to look at moving our jobs from complete not checked - that means the the work has been done, the job has been completed by our engineers in the field. We're going to move the jobs from complete not checked, through to ready to invoice. This jobs waiting final checks section in the middle, this is to handle the situation where sometimes your jobs have been completed by your technician in the field, they have come back into the office, they've been checked, everything's absolutely fine with the job however it's not ready to be invoiced yet. We're waiting for some additional bits of information, or we're waiting for an additional sign off from a customer or something like that. Maybe we're waiting for a subcontractor to send some photos to us, maybe we're waiting for a waste transfer note from a tankering company, maybe we're waiting for the job to show is ready to invoice on a client portal - because lots of jobs go through client portals. Sometimes you can't invoice them until the portal tells you they're ready to be invoiced, or maybe we're waiting for a verbal sign off from the client just to say everything's fine. If our jobs have been checked, but they're not quite ready to be invoice we would move them into this section here.
But we're not going to cover that today, what we're gonna look at today is taking completed jobs, moving them to ready to invoice and then raising an invoice. Let's do that with a couple of jobs. If I click on my 17 complete not checked jobs, it takes me to a list of my jobs. I have 17 jobs here we just going move a couple of these jobs to ready to invoice. In order to do that all we need to do is click into the job like so we check all the job details - we might want to check the attendance photos, we might want to print a worksheet, we might want to look at the customer signatures, the customer feedback form, whatever it may be, let's assume that this job is fine. All we need to do is find the status of the job here which is complete, we move it to ready to invoice we come down and we save our job. That one's been done. We'll just do another one, open the job, change the status to ready to invoice, save the job.
When I come back to my homepage we can see that my 17 complete jobs has now gone down to 15 because I've moved two of them and my three jobs at ready to invoice moved up to 5. Those two jobs have moved from this section, through to this section. These jobs are all ready to invoice now.
We would probably have someone from our finance team keeping an eye on this and every time they see jobs ready to invoice they can click into it and run the invoicing. Let's do that, so I click here this is my invoicing summary page. We have five jobs in total at the bottom here, but they're broken down by customer, because it may be that we want to invoice our customers separately. I might only want to invoice Davis Limited at this moment so we would click on the two here to invoice the two Davis jobs. However we're going to invoice all five together because we just wanna invoice everything. There are two other columns here, consolidated and contract. There's a slightly different invoicing process for consolidated invoicing and also for invoices that come from our service contracts but we'll look at those in another video. We'll stick with the standard invoicing for today.
I'm just going to click on 5 and here are my five jobs which are ready to invoice. We have the job number, the site name, the customer name, the purchase order, any notes which have been saved on the job and the description of the work, the sections that the job sits in and the value of the job. We have our six jobs here, we also have a tick box on each job. The tick basically means generate an invoice for this job. Let's say of these five, I might look at this one and go oh no we're not quite ready on that one actually I don't want to invoice it. We will just untick the tick box and then when we generate our invoices it would just create four rather than five. But here we're going to create all five.
Coming back up to the top, we can choose our invoice date. It defaults to today, but if we want to set the date of our invoices to an earlier or later time we can change the date here. Let's say we can set our invoice date as of Monday from two days ago because we're invoicing slight in arrears. We then have two options, invoice ticked and preview ticked. Preview just generates a preview PDF of the invoices, so that we can have a look at them if that's what we want to do. We're not gonna worry about that just now, we just going to create invoices. In order to do that we just click invoice ticked.
Click on the button we get a quick warning, are you sure you want to invoice 5 jobs, yes I am sure that's what I want to do okay. Clicking okay has now generated five invoices from those five jobs and it's also closed those five jobs down. Those jobs have moved to complete-invoiced status, which means they're closed and we're done with them. We now have 5 invoices raised and we can send these invoices out to our customer.
If we come back to the homepage, we'll now see our jobs ready to invoice has dropped down to zero because all the jobs which were ready to be invoiced have been invoiced. That's the basic invoicing process on TeamPoint. There are other invoicing processes which can be set up, but this is the basic one.We look at our completed jobs, we move them to ready to invoice, we click through and we generate our invoices.
It's all very quick, very simple and very easy to do
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