How to forward emails or send emails into TeamPoint so they can be attached to quotes, jobs, purchase orders or prospects
!n this video we're going to look at how we can send emails into our TeamPoint system and then save them against jobs or quotes as a way of recording information which we may have on in our email inbox which we'd like to add to Teampoint.
Let's have a quick look at how that works. If I go into my email inbox which is over here, come to my inbox, I can see I've got this this email from Leon and the email subject is parts required for job 4 5 7 8. Let's just click into it, so this is just it says, just a test email to demonstrate attaching info to a job. It's just a test email, but let's say this could be an email from one of our customers, could be an email from a site or from a supplier. It's something that we want to record against one of our jobs.
Let's forward this email into Teampoint. Let's go forward and we want to send this into our TeamPoint email address. Let's have a quick look what that looks like in Team Point. We come back into our Team Point system, now let me just refresh this page, okay emails can take a couple of minutes to come in so let's just refresh it again. Okay this email has arrived now and we've got an unallocated incoming email.
Let's go and have a look at it. This is the email which has just come in, so it's just a test email, but it's an email that's come into the system and what we actually want to do, because this email relates to Job 4 8 5 7 8 so we'd like to attach that email to the job.
If we click here, we can assign this to anything we want to, so let's assign this to the job. We search for the job, so I know this one is 4 8 5 7 8 here's our job. We can search by site name, postcode, all kinds of things and we'll click assign, do we really wanna do it, yes we do really want to do it.
If we come back to our homepage we don't have any unallocated incoming email anymore. So we've attached that email onto a job. Let's go and have a look at my job , if we look for four eight five seven eight, and let's just go to the list, we have one job in our email history here. We have one email and if I click on it we can see that this is the email that I just forwarded into the system.
So I forwarded an email from my inbox and I've attached it to a job. Another thing we could do is we could just send an email rather than forwarding. Let's say if I just create a new email and I'm going to send it to Teampoint, subject another one for 4 8 1 7 8, more information I would like to assign to this job. We can also put attachments on here and they will also come through as well, but for now we'll just keep it simple. So we're going to send, I've now sent an email to Teampoint
Let's come back into Teampoint, let's refresh, let's refresh again, emails can take a couple of minutes to arrive. Here it is fantastic. We click here again this is an email from me, it says, more information would like to assign to this job. So let's assign it, previously we asssigned it from the list but we'll just do it here it is the same thing. I want to assign it to a job and I wanna put it on to 4 8 5 7 8. There's my job, we'll click assign and we'll confirm. So we've now attached another email to our job.
Let's just quickly look for our job again. There it is we'll go to the list, we can see now our email history's gone up to two and we can see these two emails that we sent into the system and attached to this particular job or quote.
As we covered in the previous video we can send email out of Teampoint , our customers can reply to them and they'll get automatically attached to a job. But we can also forward emails straight into the system and then manually go and attach those onto jobs and quotes.
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